Tuesday 1 April 2014

8 things the media hasn't told you about telugu books

1. Telugu Books are now read online. 

Gone are the days where one can measure people's book reading habit by looking at the number of books one carry on road, college, part, library! With the advent of modern Internet. Telugu book reading location is also changed now. Most of the Telugu books are now available online either for a nominal price or for free! 

2.  Telugu Books are now purchased online!

With the websites like Kinige, Logili, Flipkart, Amazon.in  offering Telugu books the stocks from godowns are fast moving out to customers hands via online orders. The failure of brick and mortar establishments to sell Telugu books is no longer a measure of Telugu people's book buying habit!

3. Telugu eBooks are equally loved as print books!

Kinige.com  largest collection of Telugu eBooks online, with thousands of Telugu eBooks of all genre writers most interestingly for finding latest Telugu books this is the best online source.  Kinige.com is serving Telugu eBooks from past four years and it seems to be doing very well given its growth of catalog and rate of adding value additions to its readers! There is no definite sales figures but at least one author openly confirmed receiving nearly ten thousand rupee from Kinige.  And their weekly top ten Telugu Books list is interesting to follow.

4. Telugu books are not dying !

With the change of technology, there is tremendous pressure on traditional publishers of Telugu books. But book readers are not going anywhere. Telugu books are not dying. Those publishers who are able to adopt to change are making a merry in this dawn-age. Some of the publishers recently confirmed the same stressing the online sales activity of their books. Believe it or not thousands of copies in just six months!! Telugu books are not dying - if you are not able to adopt to change don't blame it on Telugu readers.

5. Ramayana Vishavruksham and Valmiki Ramayanam are equally read by Telugu societies!

Of all Indian language literatures, Telugu is the only language which has this book. Ramayana Visha vruksham. Yet, Telugu society is the one with largest number Srirama temples. May be Telugu folks are contradictory by birth. Look how they got two states! Even in literature this contradictory nature continued. Ramayana Visha vruksham and other Ramayana related Telugu religious books are equally sought! This is not something our main stream media is interested in covering.

6. Religious books and Personality development books are top selling Telugu book genres. 

It is a kind of open secret. Telugu Religious books and Telugu Personality development books are top selling Telugu books in every online and offline book shop. But Telugu readers rarely read about this in main stream media. 

7. Original writing in Telugu is almost gone except for bits and pieces.

Not everything is good. A Telugu scientist, doctor, engineer, professor, software engineer, any modern profession of Telugu origin never writes in Telugu. All their findings, papers, research is written solely in English language. That is the not the case in Europe or Japan. Unless modern professions attract Telugu writing Telugu language will for ever be like this - dina dina gandam noorella aayushshu. Telugu language can never be a world language. It will always be a language of kooli naali and other middle class sentimental janta. I may be sounding harsh, but that is the reality. 

8. Telugu bloggers read talk dissect and glorify Telugu books!

As an occasional follower of Telugu blogs it is wonderful how books are being read, discussed reviewed by these young Telugu bloggers!  They are great simply put!! 

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